Monday, January 26, 2009

Asexual Reproduction Assignment - Period 1

Now that we have been learning about/teaching others about the various types of asexual reproduction, I want you to start to put together what you know.

So, here's your assignment:
1. Pick 3 types of asexual reproduction
2. Tell what they are and give examples of organisms that use them
3. Write a paragraph or two that talks about what they have in common and how they are different from one another.

This is due by Wednesday, January 28th at 11:59 pm.


Anonymous said...

Regeneration is them making of a new organism from a part of a parent cell. An example of this is when a starfish gets a piece of it cut off, the starfish grows the piece back and the piece that got cut off becomes its own starfish.

Budding is when an organism grows an outgrowth on it which is called the bud. In budding the nucleus splits equally but the cytoplasm doesn’t. The bud may separate from he organism or stay and makes a colony. Examples of organisms that do that are yeast and hydra.

Binary Fission is the simplest type of asexual reproduction, in which a one celled organism divides equally to form the daughter cell. The chromosome number is identical to that of the parent. Examples of organisms that divide by this are amebas, paramecium and bacteria.

One way these organisms are similar is that they all have an other organism come of their body. One thing that regeneration and Binary Fission have in common is that both their offspring’s are split off while in budding the bud grows on the organism and isn’t already part of the body. Some ways they are different is that regeneration is that a part of the starfish gets cut of and is not equal when it gets cut off but it grows to about the same size as the original. When Binary fission divides it’s always equal.

Anonymous said...

Binary fission is when an organisms divides in half / equally to form the daughter cell, thats means the the chromosomes are identical to the parent cell.

regneration is when an animal like a starfish or a planaria get cut in half or have a peice of there body cut off,the body part missing will grow back after a while. or like my project, when my arm got cut off and it grew back.

Theses organisms are similar in meny ways. like how they all grow make an new organism. These organisms are also offsprings. binary fission and regeneration are also different rgeneration is when something gets cut off, and binary fission is when the organism divides equaly/ in half.

Anonymous said...

Grafting- Grafting takes place when a cutting from a plant called the scion is on an extra rooted plant called the stock.

Regeneration- Regeneration takes place when an organism like a planaria or a starfish loses a body part and within a few days it grows back. An example would be if someone were to cut up a starfish into a million pieces, it would become its own starfish.

Budding- Budding takes place when an organism, like a hydra, grows a bud. Then the bud falls off of the parent plant and forms its own plant. Another example of budding in plants can be found in yeast.

What these types of asexual reproduction have in common is that they are identical to the parent (have the same offspring.) Also, regeneration and budding have other little organisms that are produced asexually by falling off or breaking off. Not all plants have a lot in common. For example, regeneration is different from budding because regeneration involves a body part growing back and budding does not. In grafting the scion becomes attached to the stalk and then grows into a tree.

Anonymous said...

Grafting are cutting from another plant attached to rooted plants. It makes seedless things too. An example of Grafting are grapes.

Spoilation starts when something starts to get moldy and develop spores which are little eggs that make more and more mold. An example of spoilation could be bread, mushrooms, moss, and ferns.

Tubers are underground stems that store food for other living things. An example would be white potatoes.

One way tubers, spoilation, and grafting are similar is that they all need on living organism in order to work.
One way tubers,spoilation, and grafting are different from one another is that they all do specific things rather than the same.

Anonymous said...

Runners are like stems that grow over the surface of the soil from the other stem. Runners are in grasses and strawberries.

Tubers are underground stems that have stored food. An example of a tuber is a white potato.

Rhizomes are long modified stem. They grow under the soil. New plants produce at nodes along the stem. Irises, ferns and lawn grasses reproduce by rhizomes.

One way they are the same is because they all contain stems in or out of the ground.
One way that they are all different is because runners, tubers and rhizomes grow there stems in different places and different ways.

Anonymous said...

Budding is when an organism grows a copy of itself on itself. The copy is then divided from the parent or stays on the parent to form a colony. When it does seperate from the parent the bucleus splits equally and the cytoplasm does not. 2 oraganism that use this are yeast and hydra.

Binary Fission is when a one-celled organism divides equally to form 2 daughter cells which are 2 exact copies of the parent. 2 organisms that use this are amebas and bacteria.

Regeneration is making another organism identical to the parent from a part of the parent. 2 organisms that use this are the starfish and the planaria.

THese asexual reproduction forms are all common because it all requires a piece or all of the parent to reproduct. A difference is that they all have different ways of reproducing.

Anonymous said...

Regeneration is when an living organisim loses a part or a limb of it's body. the organisim would then re-gain the lost part, the lost part would also turn into an exact replica of the anitinal organisim. this proces ocours in starfish and planaria.

binary fission is when an organisim (parent cell) divides exactley in half. The daughter cellshave the same number of chromosomes and the nuclius is split evenley. this ocours in amibas.

budding is when a organisim starts to grow a copy of its self in the form of a bud. eventualy the budd falls off and grows into an exact copy of the parent organisim. this process ocours in hydra.

In all of these proceses the result is alwas the same. there is an exat copy made and there is two daughter organisims. each of theese processes are done in all different living things.

Anonymous said...

We are learning about asexual reproduction in class. Everybody had to present a skit to the class on the different types of asexual reproduction. Im choosing to write about budding, regeneration, and spoilation. In budding, the parent cell grows something called a outgrowth. An outgrowth is a new organism. Sometimes the new organism falls off, or remains on the parent cell to form a colony. Two examles of budding are yeast and hydra. Regeneration is the development of a new organism from part of the parent cell. An example of regeneration would be starfish and planaria. Spoilation starts when something starts to get moldy and develop spores which are little eggs that make more and more mold. An example of spoilation could be bread, mushrooms, moss, and ferns.

Anonymous said...

Budding is when an organism gets a pimple like thing and it get bigger and bigger until it becomes an exact replica of it mother organism. When it reaches full size it falls of and dose the same thing as it mother.

Sporeulation is when something like mold releases a puffball of spores and the grow bigger and bigger until they release a puffball. and so on

grafting is when you take the branch of one tree and put it on to another tree. this is how you make seedless grapes. it is completely unnatural.