Monday, January 05, 2009

Weekly Science Article Report - Experiments - Period 4

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report for this week.
As we discussed in class, for this report, I want you to focus on an article that talks about one or more experiments. In reflecting on the article, you might say something about what you thought about the experiment: 
Did it test what the experimenters wanted it to test? 
How would you make it better? 
What questions do you have?
Your report is due here by Friday, January 9. Your comments on the work of at least 3 other students is due by Monday, January 12th.
As always, I look forward to what you have to say.


Anonymous said...
This clonning experiment was kinda cool if you are able to just clone a frog at your own house without any of really hi-tech ecuipment.

My only question is how are really able to make your own clone frog with just three or four things you can find were where the frog lives!

Anonymous said...

This article is about how you dont need soda to make pop rocks explode. If you just crush them they will explode also. The article was kind of funny but not very. My question is what is in a pop rock that makes it explode?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that mice clones die younger that was very interesting to me. My question is that why do they die younger?

Anonymous said...

The experiment I did was layered liquids from
It was about how you put a bunch of liquids together you would get a rainbow of colors when you add food die. The ingredients were ¼ cup of dark corn syrup, ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid, ¼ cup of water, ¼ cup of vegetable oil, and ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol. Before you put each ingredient in you put food die in each liquid. I really liked this experiment because I remember doing it as a kid and enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

I read an article called One Man's 3-year Experiment in Eating Organic Food - All the Time. It was written by Tara Parker-Pope, and I found it on CNN health and science. It was about a man named Dr. Alan Greene who performed a 3-year experiment to see if he could eat only organic foods and be considered organic; he also wondered if it would improve his health. He chose 3 years because that is how long it takes a breeding animal to be certified organic and that is what he wanted to achieve.
The article didn’t say if he became certified organic, but it did say that he, being a pediatrician and being around sick people a lot, became sick himself less. I believe his experiment was very good but, he may want to see if eating less meat affects his health. One question I would have for Dr. Greene would be, was it hard to just stop eating non-organic foods for three years straight? Another question I would have for him is did you gradually stop eating normal foods prior to the three years? A question I would have for the author would be how did you find out about Dr. Greene? Over all I thought the experiment was very interesting, although I doubt I would ever attempt to try it myself.

Anonymous said...

Singing Pipes
By Steve Spangler

So instead of being an article on the page, there was a video. The video was about pipes that he could make "sing". What he did was he took a bunch of different size steel pipes, put a special piece of metal in between heavy duty screen inside of the pipe, and when that metal gets hot, it radiates a lot of heat and it made a sound when all of the air was pushed out of it. But the pipes only "sung" when they were vertical because if they were on their side it could be pushed out either side at low force so it didn't make sound because heat rises so when the pipe is vertical, it can only go out the top.

I really enjoyed the 4 minute video. It was nothing I have ever seen before so I didn't get bored at all. He did a good job at explaining what he did, but he could have been more specific about like what metal he put between the screen.

They were originally trying to test if it would work, and it did.
The only question I have is what metal did he put in between the heavy duty screen?

Anonymous said...

Title: ‘Brain pacemaker’ helps Parkinson’s
Topic: A brain pacemaker is implanted under the collarbone connecting to electrodes in the brain of sufferers of Parkinson’s disease
Author: Carla K. Johnson, The Journal News
What was the experiment? Neurologists randomly assigned sufferers of Parkinson’s disease to either have surgery by implanting a ‘brain pacemaker’ under the collarbone connecting to electrodes in the brain or continue with the normal medication to cure them selves. Neurologists compared the two outcomes and concluded that 71% saw meaningful improvements from the ‘brain pacemaker’ and only 32% saw improvements from being on the medication.
Questions: What does a “meaningful improvement” mean in deep definition?
What would I do to improve the article? I would explain in deeper thought about the mechanics of the brain pacer. Also, I would explain the disease “Parkinson’s” clearer for people who don’t know. And lastly, be more specific on what “meaningful improvement” means and give examples of the symptoms.

Anonymous said...

I liked the article you choose to write about. I thought it was very interesting how you don’t NEED soda to make pop rocks explode. I agree with the question you have… “What exactly is in a pop rock that makes it explode?”

The video you wrote about caught my eye because of the title, “singing pipes.” I knew your reflection was well written because as I started to read it I became more and more interested in the topic. After reading your reflection I clicked on the link and watched the video myself and found it really interesting. My only question would be, did the size of the screen put in the metal pipes affect the sound?

I liked the topic you choose to write about because Dr. Alan Greene ate organic food for 3 years straight. I found it interesting that he choose to go organic for 3 years because that’s how long it takes a breeding animal to be certified organic. I also liked how you told the reader about the topic in great detail so they could understand it better while reading about what you thought about it.

Anonymous said...

Relax -- Your holiday health concerns may just be myths
Amanda MacMilan

I read an article about how most people’s holiday concerns are possibly myths. One myth (that I foccused in on) was that sugar makes kids hyperactive. The experiment stated that it wasn’t true. They did a controlled test and found out that kids with different amounts of sugar in their bodies didn’t react any differently from kids that had none. They were basically saying that candycanes were fine to eat because they didn’t make children hyper. It even said in one study that when a parent thought that their child was given a sugary drink (even though it was sugar free) their child became very active, more than before. I found the article very interesting and never would have expected the outcome. I think that they could have added a little bit about how they monitered the kids with and without sugar. I would have made the exoeriment better by testing kids at different ages and sizes. I was wondering at the end if maybe it depends upon the time of day it is or what you have eaten before you eat the sugar.

Anonymous said...

chikachikaboomboom567- i tought it is cool how you found an article about cloning frogs.

hedgehog987- its very intresting how mice clones die younger than regular mice.

Anonymous said...

This week I decided to write another review on weopon science. I chose to do the c-4. The c-4 works like most explosives do. When the is a rapid heat increase or shock of electricity triggered by the detonater, the material inside the c-4 undergoes a rapid chemical reaction.

I liked this article a lot but not as much as some of the others. I was just confused about how the shock or heat increase was caused.

Anonymous said...
Science News For Kids
By:Emily Sohn

This week I chose an article about plug in hybrid cars. Like a cell phone when ever the cell phone runs out of battery you can just plug it in and charge it. Now scientists are coming up with an idea for plug-in cars. These cars could reduce a lot of the fuel the nation uses. Although this idea sounds too good to be true. Some scientist say that replacing gasoline with electricity will just swap one type of environmental problem for another.

I thought this article was very well written and useful. It explained everything very clearly.

Anonymous said...

Rudycocoa3- I think that you could have put more about your opinion. You could have also added more about how the experiment was conducted. I thought that your question was very interesting though and I would like to know the same thing.

Madnerd44- I think that next time, you should check over your work a little bit more carefully because some sentences didn’t make very much sense. Also, you didn’t do it on an experiment. I liked it how you described your points of confusion.

Joebeeb- Were you supposed to write about an experiment that you did or an experiment that another scientist did? I liked how you said what the experiment was about… next time add a little bit more of your opinion.

Anonymous said...

A clean get away

I found this article on how oxy clean could remove blood from crime scenes.
I am wondering if there is a way to know where someone used oxy clean to clean up blood from a crime scene.

Anonymous said...

Homemade Titanium

Yes the article was about how to make homemade titanium which can run up high prices. The only thing that I would have changed would be that you could make the titanium except most people don’t have the ingredients just lying around there house. My only question would be where you would get some of the ingredients and how hot the fire does have to be to melt it.

Anonymous said...

Food Dance Gets New Life When Bees Get Cocaine

The scientists in Australia wanted to test that if bees get cocaine will they have the same kind of reaction as humans to cocaine.
My questions are that if bees have the same reaction would other animals have the same reaction?

Anonymous said...

I read a article where they found a way to predict properties of light nuclei I thought it was cool it amazed me they were working on this experiment for 70 years it was about how individual neutrons and protons interact with each other.

It did test what they wanted

I don’t think I could make it better in any way

and im wondering if they are going to carry this on a little further

Anonymous said...

I read an article called “5 Weirdest Animal Experiments” and found the second experiment horrible.
In the experiment they wanted to see what would happen if you drugged an animal. Now when I first saw the experiment title, I didn’t really think of it as a great idea to put animals on drugs, especially when you take into consideration what happens when you drug a human. I was even angrier when they used it on elephants and said that what would probably happen is that the animal would become temporarily insane and enraged. That really made me mad because the elephant wouldn’t be able to control its temper and would be confused.
The way the experiment ended though was both horrible for the scientists and the elephant named Tusko. Within hours of injecting mass quantities of LSD into Tusko’s bloodstream, the elephant was found dead on the ground. This left the world without a life and the scientists scrambling for an answer.
What was most horrible of all was that a few years after Tusko’s death, the same experiment was tried again; the only change was that the LSD was watered down. The elephant experienced symptoms of drug use but not any of what was originally thought. (Plus a large upside is that the animal remained standing!) How they could try the same experiment again, however, is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

The strangest recent scientific discoveries
by Raven Lebeau

This was about how there is a study that was made to kill caner. It was the same person. He discovered that by shooting radio waves at water it can split it and then burn the water masking water powered cars. But the water has to be salt water.

I would NOT change anything in the experiment.

I wonder though if the water is salt wate wouldn't that brake the cgas tanks in the car.

Anonymous said...

By: Rueters

In london an experiment was conducted to find if playing tetris could calm people from stress. Tetris is one of the best rated video game and reduces post-traumatic stress according to the british study. This is very important to help cure post-traumatic stress disorder. This experiment gave the answer to more problems. This helped to understand how the mind works. This helped with people who had flashbacks. Those who played tetris had far fewer flashbacks to the film over the next week.

I liked this article because this the article was about video games. I wonder why they choose tetris instead of any other video game. I thought up 2 good reasons why it would but i still wonder for the real answer. I would have to say that playing tetris would probably be more soothing than other games because it has no violence or loud sounds that would disturb the people with this disorder. My other reason is that the people who are playing tetris are probably older than 30 so they may have played in their childhood which could bring good memories to those people.

Anonymous said...

This article is interesting because they are starting to make cloning a business. Even though it's still not perfect, it's amazing that we are now able to make copies of living organisms.
My question is how do they take tissue, DNA, and other specific things about an organism and grow it into a living copy!

Anonymous said...

Pretty Pink Prince I like your post because it was short, to the point, and had something to do with a problem in the real world. (Gas)

Anonymous said...

Labtable5 I like your post because it was interesting in the way that people can be cured by video games.

Anonymous said...

Hobbes I like your post (in a way) because it deals with the matter of animal use in scientific manners. I disagree with using animals in this manner especially when we already know what happens when organisms ingest drugs.

Anonymous said...

Hobbes I like your post (in a way) because it deals with the matter of animal use in scientific manners. I disagree with using animals in this manner especially when we already know what happens when organisms ingest drugs.

Anonymous said...

Ryley Clyde – I thought it was really great the way you broke up your reflection. I think it might be easier on the reader if you left space between the sections or indented. Also I didn’t understand what Parkinson‘s disease was.

Chikachikaboomboom567 – I thought the topic you chose was really interesting. I think you could have added more to your summary and more of your opinions; things that surprised you or interested you.

Ajax555 – I thought that it was cool how you chose a topic you could relate to, being a kid. I think your summary could have been briefer.

Anonymous said...

band camp: I thought your post was very interesting. I really enjoyed reading your post. You gave a lot of detail about the experiment.

chikachikaboomboom567: I enjoyed reading your post. I think you should have checked you spelling more carefully and elaborated a little bit more.

joebeeb: I really liked how you gave a lot of information on the experiment. I also liked how you gave all of the measurements.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bandcamp

Your report was a little long but you really got the main idea across. Good job!

Dear madnerd44

You missed the whole point of choosing a experiment.

Dear 30 degre burnes= mcsquare

You missed almost every single spot you needed punctuation in your article.

Anonymous said...

Your reflection on c-4 was informative but only on how the detonator works. What experiment did they do?
Your reflection was good, but maybe next time you should give a little more info, and make your post a little longer.

What is you reflection about? I think you forgot to put a title on your post. You didn't really explain that well what your post was about. Maybe next time you should give more info and make it a little longer. But good job.

You didn't really explain at all what your topic was about. And it didn't even have a title. So the only thing i could get my info off was the only thing you put on there; a question. But good job.

Anonymous said...

Your reflection on c-4 was informative but only on how the detonator works. What experiment did they do?
Your reflection was good, but maybe next time you should give a little more info, and make your post a little longer.

What is you reflection about? I think you forgot to put a title on your post. You didn't really explain that well what your post was about. Maybe next time you should give more info and make it a little longer. But good job.

You didn't really explain at all what your topic was about. And it didn't even have a title. So the only thing i could get my info off was the only thing you put on there; a question. But good job.

Anonymous said...

Rudycocoa3- I enjoyed your post because it was short and sweet and said exactly how you felt about the article. The only thing is that maybe you should make your posts slightly longer next time.

Anonymous said...

Chikachikaboomboom: I wish that you would have put more detail into your article. But I liked you topic.
Rudycocoa3: Whoa that’s so coolllllll. I do wish that you made it a little longer.
Hedgehog987: That also ponders me to about why the die younger. But could you have made it a little longer.

Anonymous said...

To bandcamp
Your summary was well written and you were very descriptive. Your article interests me. I get sick a lot and I don't even stay around people who are sick all day. I don't eat organic but I eat healthy. I think it would be cool if I was certified as organic. I also wonder how the author found out so much information.

To abc123def456
I think it is cool how you choose an experiment that was a video. It is cool how you went outside of the box by choosing a video. When I followed the link and watched the video I thought that this was so cool for a topic. You explained the video perfectly and you were very descriptive.

To Ryley Clyde
Your topic of your article is complicated but in your summary you made the topic easier to understand. I like how you said you would change the article to make it better. The changes just from reading them sound very effective. I like how you said you would have been more specific. Your summary was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Pretty pink prince nice article I think it was good how they are finding a way to kill cancer but I was a little confused about it

Gmoser I think you had a very good article I think it be more descriptive in it

gangsta joe you I thought your article was very interesting I think it didn’t really have anything wrong in it