Monday, October 27, 2008

Podcast Report/Reflection - Period 4

This week we are going to do something different for the Weekly Science Article Report.

I am asking that you listen to a science-related podcast and to tell us what you think about it. Here is a good place to find a lot of them:

In addition to what you normally write for your reflection, I would like you to include something about the difference for you in reading an article versus listening to a story.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Pod casts
By gangsta Joe

I think that the pod casts are great because you can listen to them instead of reading them, which makes it much easier. The bad parts about the pod cast is that if the pod cast is hard to hear, it is hard to understand what they are saying.
The pod casts are better because you can hear what they are saying, so you do not have to hear just your voice. Reading is better because if you leave the pod cast running it is hard to find were you left off.

Anonymous said...

Up Close and Dangerous: Bees
Animal Planet Podcast

The podcast I listened to was called, Up Close and Dangerous: Bees. It was about a guy who got swarmed by killer bees on purpose to see if science could save him. Before getting swarmed, he was painted with something that would make him smell like the queen bee. This served two purposes, one, so the bees would be attracted to him, and two, so he wouldn’t get stung or killed. The scent mostly worked, but he got stung a few times.
I thought the podcast was kind of cool. I would never be brave enough to do something like this guy did. I was surprised that he didn’t get a little squeamish when the bees dug their legs into him. Also I am surprised that he didn’t mind the bee stings, and that the stings didn’t kill him, because they are, killer bees. A question that I have is, how did he get all the bees to perform the experiment? Also, where did he get all the courage to let the bees onto him?
If I had to choose between podcasts and articles, I would choose articles. I would choose them because I like being able to go back to the story and pull information. I don’t have anything against podcasts; I think they’re kind of cool, but articles are easier.

Anonymous said...

Wild Chronicles
National Geographic

The pod cast I watched was about blue fin tuna and how they are dieing of into extinction. It talks about how Japan uses the most tuna in the world and they are normally using the young tuna that haven’t been able to breed so the population is taking a nose dive. This lady meets with a man who has a tuna farm and he is trying to bring the population back.
I really in enjoyed they article. If I had a chance to ask any question I would ask to the man with the tuna farm if he will sell some of the tuna to tourist.
I Enjoy pod cast more than reading each article. When you read each article you don’t really get visuals of how to say each word in it. It kind of gives more enjoyment to a story.

Anonymous said...

I think that podcasts are harder to listen to because it is very hard to understand them and it is very hard to hear. I like reading much better because you can read at your own pace and if you miss something you can just read it again instead of rewinding and having to find your place that you missed.

Anonymous said...

By: Ira Flatow
In this podcast they talked about how McCain repeatedly said that Obama wanted to spend 3 million dollars on an over head projector. What I liked about it was that it’s about the election and the election is coming up soon. What’s different about a podcast and an article is that with a podcast it’s a lot easier to focus for me because I don’t get bored like I do with an article.

Anonymous said...

The podcast I listened to was about a singer who turned into an environmentalist. It was mainly about how she wanted to stop making big factories and smelters and make more sustainable and environmentally friendly businesses for her country.
I enjoyed watching this podcast. I thought it was a different, more fun way to learn. It helps you visualize things better and really gives you a sense of what is going on. I also really like how it is not as boring as reading an article. The only down side to listening to podcasts is they go a little bit too fast so it can get hard to keep up with it. When you are reading you can always go back and reread.

Anonymous said...

Why can't fish remember stuff?

In this podcast a little girl asked why can't fish remember stuff and the anwser is that they can. Infact, fishes have a particularly good memory. The way that scientists can test this out is by making them swim through a maze, and then making them do it again the next day.

I think that reading is better than podcasts because if you want to go back and find some information, you can find it easier when you are reading rather then having to rewind and listen to that persons voice again.

Anonymous said...

I like listening to the podcasts better than the reading

Anonymous said...

I listened to a podcast about killer bees. It talked a lot about how they are just like European honey bees. The reason that they are not European honey bees is because they are a lot more dangerous (they can kill you).
I like reading articles more because you can go back to the exact point that you want to. Also, it is easier to find what topic you want with an article.

Anonymous said...

Pod cast: Wildcat radio
Exact link: Player
A Brief Summary: The pod cast was about global warming. The reason why I choose to listen to this particular pod cast about global warming is because I know the basic idea about global warming but I would like to know the details. A few facts that I learned about global warming are that most power plants burn coal or oil to make electricity. Burning of coal and oil create green house gasses. Also, landfills are really bad because all the trash goes there and produces a greenhouse gas called “methane” which is a harmful gas that we do not need.
Reflection: I liked the pod cast because of the way Danielle and Crissy switched back and forth with their own opinions while giving the listener good facts. I liked how they were kids, I think that is why it made the pod cast easier to understand. Something interesting that I heard during the pod cast is that our cars and trucks produce 25% of carbon dioxide. I don’t have any questions because the pod cast gave me all the information I need.
I like reading articles better than listening to pod casts because I can look back at the article and see things word for word and that’s a little harder to do that with a pod cast.

Anonymous said...

ABC Radio National
My pod cast was about how bacteria can live on your body destroying it when the bacteria dont have a head or a heart. It was also about how these single celled organisms might react to the way we behave, while they are in or on our bodies.
I liked the pod casts because you dont have to do anything but listen. ALso when you read the articles there are normally words that most people can't read or understand, this way you dont have to read it, and it is easier to figure out what the word means. The bad parts are that sometimes the podcast might pernounce a word differently then you do, so that makes it harder to understand. I dont know which one i like better they are both great.

Anonymous said...


By Labtable5

I watched a podcast called "Why". I watched the 21 episode. It was about how your brain moves your fingers. I learned that the left side of your body is controlled by your right side of your brain and your right side of your body is controlled by the left side of your body.

I would prefer to use written articles because they are easier to go back to find information. I liked how i could put the podcast on my iPod.

Anonymous said...

The pod cast I listened to was about rockets in the pod cast it explained how rockets get into space it stated that a rocket has to reach a certain speed to get past the atmosphere after it doe that to come in and land it has to break the atmosphere at a good speed or else the rocket will blow up. The pod cast also discussed the closest probe ever to the sun which was the helio probe. I liked listening to the pod cast I liked it because you had to really listen instead of reading which we always do the pod cast was a nice change.

Anonymous said...

The podcast that I watched was called Roller Coasters by Christopher and Zahabiya. I got this off of something called Dragonfly TV from

This video podcast was about how two kids wanted to see if the scariness of a ride affected your pulse. They took a certain number of kids and took there pulses before they rode the three rides and then took there pulse after the rides and asked them to rate the ride from “one scream, or not so scary” to “five screams, or scariest ride ever.” They came to the conclusion that either the scariness of something affects your pulse, or your pulse affects how afraid you are.

I really liked this video podcast because it was very kid friendly and that kids were running the experiment so it made it extremely easy to understand. What really surprised me that this was very good. I thought since this was all children it would be very badly made but once I realized that it was actually really good. What I would like to know is if it’s the scariness of something affects your pulse, or your pulse affects how afraid you are.

Anonymous said...

More Hip than a Hippie

I started to listen to this pod cast about things you can do to be "greener than a hippie" and it was all the basic stuff about hybrid cars, reusing things and recycling. So, after i was about ten minutes into the pod cast, I saw that it was barely 1/3 over, and their voices were starting to really annoy me so I couldn't listen to it anymore.

I like reading better that pod casts because you can go at your own pace, and if you just want the basics, you'll have to listen to a long annoying pod cast.
They are also hard to follow, listen to, and understand what they are actually saying and what they mean.
Also, a lot more people port articles that pod casts, so there might be a lot more interesting articles then pod casts.

Anonymous said...

When I tried to listen to one of the pod casts it wouldn't load up or start playing. But based on past experience l know that i pefer reading something insteaad of listening to it because you can look back with out rewinding.

Anonymous said...

I did living on earth (October 31st)
The podcast was about pollution and power plants. The person was talking about how the power plants are polluting a lot and killing a lot. They are making rules about the power plants. I think that podcasts are harder to under stand because the people are talking fast. But articles are all about reading at your own speed so I like reading articles better.